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2. City of Seattle et al. v. Department of Revenue (12/27/2011)

IN THE OREGON TAX COURT REGULAR DIVISION Property Tax THE CITY OF SEATTLE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, acting by and through its CITY LIGHT Department, Plaintiff, v. ...

6. US West, Inc. and Subsidiaries v. Department of Revenue (08/30/2011)

IN THE OREGON TAX COURT REGULAR DIVISION Income Tax US WEST, INC. and SUBSIDIARIES, Plaintiffs, v. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, State of Oregon, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) TC ...

7. Comcast Corporation v. Department of Revenue (08/10/2011)

IN THE OREGON TAX COURT REGULAR DIVISION Property Tax COMCAST CORPORATION, Plaintiff, v. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, State of Oregon, Defendant. ) ) ) TC 4909 ) ) ) ) ) ) OPINION I. INTRODUCTION This matte...
